Monday, May 29, 2006

Show #10: The Light Fantastic

Okay, I guess if it's 2 am, it doesn't count as sunday anymore... However, here's the show; in this one we discuss inspiration. What inspired us to become pagans, and how we continue to feed our souls, yadda yadda yadda. Download it here, or subscribe to the feed. (oh, and Sam's sister had a baby boy!!!)

Mystique by Kori Linae Carothers (opening & closing music)
Strive by JavaMusiK (featured song)
~we have no background music this time round; email us if you like it, or if you don't!!!~

Links to stuff: deo's shadow, Scott Cunningham books, Merlin Stone, constellations, witch wars, discworld witch quotes, seasonal magick, Susan Seddon Boulet, Amy Brown, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Jessica Galbreth, Jonathon Earl Bowser, & Faerywolf

Friday, May 26, 2006

a vague update

I'll have the next show up by sunday; it seems to be our 'new' day. Now I just have to stick with it, sigh. And next week we'll have a show without Sam, sob sob sob. I have absolutely no clue what we'll discuss, so it should be interesting!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

bon voyage, Sam!

Our cohost Samantha has taken off for parts east (Ontario) for the next two weeks, which means that while we have one more show with her to air, at least one will be without, sob. Instead, the Voice in the Darkness and Kat will try doing a show together. Could be interesting....

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Show #9: Personal Darkness

Sorry, yet another delay, Kat got a job, which took away from serious computer time... anyways, we talk about addictions, overindulging and fears. Sound good? Download it here, or subscribe to the feed.

Mystique by Kori Linae Carothers (opening & closing music)
Rainfall by Hungry Lucy (featured song)
~we have no background music this time round; email us if you like it, or if you don't!!!~

Links to stuff:
palmistry, the Gathering for Life on Earth, Ontario

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Show #8: Spirits in the Wires

Almost on schedule, here's our eighth show! This time we discuss spirits, spirit guides, guardian spirits & and Kat's long winded theory on what spirit is (Sam ends up trancing during this, sob). Download it here, or subscribe to the feed.

Mystique by Kori Linae Carothers (opening & closing music)
Desert Moon by Moth Music (background)
Yonder by The Young Republic (featured song)
Cruelty by Triskalia (background)
~we have background music this time round; email us if you like it, or if you don't!!!~

Links to stuff:
gaia theory, ghosts & spirits, guardian spirits, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle (influence on Kat's theory), His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, Christine by Stephen King, and rats!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Show #7: Laughter in the Leaves

Ha, you thought we'd never get this show out! Well, here it is, in all of it's, ahem, glory. We were originally just talking about mainstreaming paganism, but the second time round, we found we had a lot more time on our hands. And eventually we'll explain the 'cockatiel' exclaimation, but we need a camera. Download it here, or subscribe to the feed.

Mystique by Kori Linae Carothers (opening & closing music)
Drawing Down the Moon by Gaia Consort (featured)
~no background music this time round; email us if you like it, or if you don't!!!~

Links to stuff:
BDSM, Pagan Pride Project, our Frappr map, Proud Pagan Podcasters, Beltane.